Thanks for checking out the blog. This is me giving myself something long term and, yes, a little bit cliché to focus on. As the blog title implies, I want to be the fittest I have ever been when I hit 40 in August of 2019. I am back at the 83kg that I was back at the start of this year and coming off the back of 7 weeks low level activity due to injury.
Motivation has been at a bit of a low on a personal level with both my fitness journey & professionally. Getting that work-work-work-life balance is very challenging I told a colleague this week, referencing the different things I do as work. I new I had to do something to get out this funk, as the road would only get "slipperier" and steeper. I have been toying with the idea of this blog for sometime now as not only a way to share and motivate others, but a way to put an incentive aka pressure on myself to not only start, but to maintain. I am now accountable to you the follower when I slip up, when I am falling off the wagon. Originally, I was waiting on a "nice date" to start back training & blog but realized I was falling into the same trap that I try to get clients & potential clients out of. There is no sense always waiting on a Monday to start fresh or the 1st of the month. Nothing is guaranteed. Your schedule might change. Sh** happens! When I woke up yesterday morning, I decided, f*** it! Today is the day.
Key moves of the day (KMOTD):
Over Head Squat (full)
Front Squat (full)
Pull Up 'In the V' (Suspended from an overhead parallel bars set up)
Hanging Leg Raises
Kick of The Day (KOTD): Nike Air Pegasus 32.